Monday, August 23, 2010

Baaaaaad Blogger!

Oy! As it turns out, I am not very good at blogging:/ It involves thinking and typing and personality and a sense of humor...things that are sort of hard to come by some days:) Our adoption stuff got put on the back burner for a few weeks as John healed from his epic (forgive me for the trendy expression) flip over the handlebars of his bike. His collarbone is in great shape...healing very well. One shoulder is a bit shorter and bumpier than the other but hey, it adds character.

Well, we had our second social worker visit this evening and it went very well. Tonight we covered the personal stuff: our relationships with each other, our siblings and parents. We talked about our childhoods, hobbies and religious (or in our case lack of) views. The meeting lasted two hours and was very pleasant. She also asked us how we planned to pay for the adoption...hahahahahahaha. There were some "uuuummmmm," "uhhhhh," and "hmmmmms."

In the interim, between this visit and the last, we got several things accomplished. We got our physicals and the lead encapsulating paint. All of our personal references sent in their paperwork quickly...thank you Chris, Lisa, Kathy and mommy:) We got a new camera and began taking pictures for our albums. We bought 3 scrapbooks and lots of scrapbook sticker thingees. The scrapbooks are the most frightening part of the whole adoption, to tell you the truth. I consider myself a fairly creative person but the idea of scrapbooking overwhelms me in the same way that jewelery making does...there are SOOOO many choices and directions to go in. John and I have come up with a basic organization for the book...I will post photos once I start the book. The letter to the birthmother is also daunting. How do you express how grateful you will be should this woman decide to give you her child? How do you show genuine sympathy for a difficult situation in a letter to someone whom you've never met? The letter had been put off for some time but John and I have finally begun to write it. Perhaps I will share it when we are done?

So, we have a couple of odds and ends to tie up. We need to get our chimney inspected and we forgot to get fingerprinted for our FBI investigation. In two weeks, we have our last visit. After this visit, the waiting begins! We send two of our scrapbooks out of state, one goes to the agency in New London and then we hope and pray that we get a call from a birthmother.