Thursday, March 24, 2011

Breastmilk blues and due date update.

Our birthmom went for a doctor's appointment and they determined that the due date is not until April 25th! What am I going to do just sitting at home for 3 more weeks or so??? The baby weighs 5 lbs right now, appears very healthy, and should be a good healthy weight by the time of the birth despite the fact that the birthmom smoked during much of her pregnancy. They also know the sex of the baby but John and I have chosen not to know....actually, it's more John than me. I was fine not knowing when nobody else the suspense will begin to eat at me!!! I'm still going back and forth between the breastmilk and formula options. If I do choose breastmilk, I can try to produce my own by various methods or I can choose to go through a milk-sharing program. For those of you who don't know, many mothers produce an overabundance of milk and are willing to share with mom's who can't produce enough milk or have adopted babies. This is essentially a free program minus the cost of shipping etc. but there are inherent risks involved. Bah! What do I do? I would really like the baby to get the benefits of breastmilk but the whole deal seems like such a hassle. Advice?

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Registry Info

Some of you have asked if we are registered. We are registered at Babies R Us under either of our names. There is not a whole lot on the list...we have a small house and people have been so generous with their hand-me-downs that we are well equipped. We love the Michael Olaf company for toys...though their website is not very user friendly. Thanks everyone for all of your interest and support in our process:)


Hi All! So, by now you all know that John and I are expecting a baby. Everyone has a lot of questions so I thought I'd provide a little update. The birthparents are Caucasian and from CT....the very situation we never thought we'd be in! The birthmother is 35 and the birthfather is in his early 40's. The baby is due sometime in the next couple of weeks though the exact due date is unknown. The birthmom did not have much prenatal care. She has given two other healthy babies up for adoption. She had an ultrasound last week and the baby is healthy but they could not determine the gender because of the way the baby is positioned. The birthmom does not want to meet us. We met with the birthfather last week. He was a great guy and has a lot in common with John. He has three other children from a previous marriage and was dating the birthmom when she got pregnant. He is not in a position to provide adequate care for a child and believes adoption is the right course. We plan to have a semi-open adoption....providing pictures and letters a couple times a year and perhaps a visit every couple of years.

We are all prepared! We have all of our essentials in place and ready to go. Wednesday will be my last day at school (there is no school thursday and friday). I plan to stay home with our child for as long as it is financially possible.

The adoption cost $25,000. We will have two post-placement visits and the finalization will be in 6 months.

Finally, yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee:) We're going to be parents!